In advance of the 2013 Explore Minnesota Tourism Conference on February 12-13 at the Hilton Minneapolis Hotel, we offer a reminder that your travel-related or lodging business can reap rewards if you welcome people with disabilities. Making your hotel, cabin, lodge, or campground accessible to a growing number of people with disposable income is a profitable proposition! Baby boomers are aging, and according to the American Fact Finder, more than 50% of those over the age of 65 have a disability. Combined with people under the age of 65 who are disabled, you have a significant portion of your potential market. Access is good business!
Information links
Build your business by including people with disabilities! Visit our Travel and Accessibility page for a variety of links that will serve as guidance for creating better access. You will find ways your business can get tax breaks for better access, and checklists for making your space ADA compliant.