The Minnesota State Council on Disability is seeking nominations for our 2013 Annual Awards event, which honors people or employers who increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. You can nominate below, call 651.361.7800 or email for a nomination form.
The deadline for nominations is Sept. 20, 2013.
Minnesota Award
The Minnesota Award is MSCOD’s highest honor to a Minnesotan with a disability who has worked to enhance the empowerment and employment of individuals with disabilities. This individual should have demonstrated outstanding achievements in the world of work and made significant contributions that increase public awareness of Minnesotans with disabilities.
Employer of the Year Award (large and small)
The Employer of the Year Awards are given to recognize large and small employers who have made outstanding contributions in the employment of Minnesotans with disabilities. Nominees should publicize a philosophy of supporting employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. This philosophy should manifest itself in the recruitment, accommodation, employment and advancement of such persons. The recipients will have demonstrated efforts related to the Americans with Disabilities Act, including architectural, programmatic elements. Further, employers that promote opportunities for people with disabilities within the business community would also make strong nominees. A small employer employs less than 200 employees, and a large employer employs more than 200 employees. State agencies and departments are eligible for this award.
Above and Beyond Disabled Veteran’s Employment Award
The Above and Beyond Disabled Veterans’ Employment Award recognizes organizations that have successfully developed an initiative to hire our returning vets who were disabled in the course of their service. The organization has developed, formulated, executed and promoted policies and programs that assist returning vets become successful in their organization upon returning from combat. This could be an employee that was employed before deployment and returned successfully to their former position or new employees hired that are returning disabled veterans.
Access Award
The Access Award is given to recognize creative and outstanding solutions that eliminate or reduce barriers within the community for persons with disabilities. Either new construction or renovations that make a facility or program fully accessible to persons with disabilities are encouraged.
Advocacy Award (formerly known as Mentorship Award)
The Advocacy Award is given to recognize individuals, organizations, state agencies, or groups who serve as a role model, peer, advocate, and mentor to help persons with disabilities gain access to the workforce, or to those fostering such relationships. This Award is given to recognize those who have substantially contributed to advancing the transition from school to post-secondary education or employment for individuals with disabilities.
Friend of the Council Award
The Friend of the Council Award recognizes an individual, organization or group that has partnered or collaborated with MSCOD to demonstrate extraordinary work in advancing opportunities or quality of life for people with disabilities.
Media Award
The Media Award recognizes communications and communicators that accurately and progressively portrays people with disabilities. The recipient will have effectively portrayed people with disabilities as independent and productive through the use of words and images, focusing on stories about persons first and their disability second. Recipients could work within one of the following media categories: television, radio, photojournalism, print, or special contributions or marketing department of organizations.