About the Workshops
Please attend one of these three facilitated workshops to share your ideas and perspectives on features to include in potential Regional Transportation Coordination Councils. These workshops are a continuation of the four workshops held in April and May 2015.
The Minnesota Departments of Transportation and Human Services, in collaboration with other state agencies, are proposing to work with the Metropolitan Council and other local governments and organizations to create these regional transportation coordination councils. Coordination between transportation providers and service agencies is a strategy that can help fill transportation gaps by providing more rides using the same or fewer resources, making transportation easier to use, and giving customers more options of where and when to travel.
The state agencies would provide support for creating a statewide framework of 8-10 Regional Transportation Coordination Councils throughout Minnesota in order to break down transportation barriers and offer a seamless system of transportation services. The Regional Transportation Coordination Councils would be responsible for coordinating transportation services through a network of existing public, private, and nonprofit transportation providers.
Thursday, October 1 1:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Bemidji, MN
Monday, October 5 1:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Marshall, MN
Monday, October 26 1:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Rochester, MN
Register for Rochester meeting
Registration and More Information
There is no cost to participate in the regional workshops, but registration is requested.
For more information, please contact Kaydee Kirk, kkirk@umn.edu or 612-626-5854, or visit CoordinateMNTransit.org.
The workshops are sponsored by the Minnesota Council on Transportation Access (MCOTA), which was established by the Minnesota Legislature in 2010 to “study, evaluate, oversee, and make recommendations to improve the coordination, availability, accessibility, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety of transportation services provided to the transit public.”