In an effort to keep Minnesotans safe from COVID-19, the Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD) urges you to #MaskUpMN. Our disability community is of particularly high risk for becoming infected and having serious health complications due to underlying medical conditions. Numerous factors increase our community’s risk of becoming infected including:
- People who rely on caregiver support and cannot avoid coming into close contact with others who may be infected, such as direct support providers and family members.
- People who live in congregate care settings, such as adult foster care and group home settings.
- People who have trouble understanding information or practicing preventive measures, such as hand washing and social distancing.
- People who may not be able to communicate symptoms of illness.
We can and must all do our part to protect our neighbors from the spread of the virus.
The Minnesota Council on Disability supports a statewide mandatory mask policy to protect Minnesotans with disabilities. This crisis is far from over and we cannot let our guard down in this pivotal moment. MCD urges you to act with compassion by wearing a mask in public indoor spaces.