The Minnesota Council on Disability offers technical assistance and resources about service animals. Service animal awareness has increased over the last few years, but it is nowhere near where it needs to be. Folks still parade their pets around as service animals. At the same time, business owners, law enforcement, and property managers do not understand their responsibility to protect the rights of people with disabilities. Every time someone lies about their dog being a service animal it erodes the public’s perception of the vital role a service animal plays for its owner. Service animals allow folks with disabilities to be independent, they allow us to participate in life. Legitimate service animals are well trained and well behaved. Please don’t pretend your pet is a service animal. Disability rights are civil rights and they hard enough to defend and enforce.
If you experience issues about service animals, please reach out to David Fenley, ADA Director. David.fenley@state.mn.us or 651.361.7809.
More information on service animals.
Here is a news media report on this issue: Service dogs: What they are, what they do