Pillar #3 Priorities are led by external non-profit partners. The Minnesota Council on Disability plays a supporting role. This role includes:
- advising,
- providing letters of support
- and networking.
Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MNCCD)
MNCCD leads dozens of non-profit organizations serving the disability community. They are currently considering and planning their public policy agenda. MCD will support and assist them when appropriate and where our values align.
The Arc Minnesota
- Accessibility in Housing Requirements for housing projects that utilize bonding dollars
- Inclusive Higher Education (with MIHEC)
Minnesota Inclusive Higher Education Consortium (MIHEC)
- Inclusive Higher Education – expanding post-secondary opportunities for Minnesotans with development or intellectual disabilities.
The Metropolitan Council – Metro Transit and Move Minnesota
- Expanding public transit options and improving accessibility on existing routes and lines
Gillette Children’s Hospital
- Expanding healthcare access for people with rare diseases