House Education Policy Committee
Chair Representative Peggy Bennett
March 3rd, 2025
Opposing H.F. 0514 Permitting K-3 Exclusionary Discipline
Chair Bennett and Members of the Committee,
The Minnesota Council on Disability opposes the passage of H.F. 514, which would reverse the progress made previously in our educational system. It required schools to consider non-exclusionary discipline practices for the youngest of our learners. Students at this age, even as early as Kindergarten, should not have recess withheld for any disciplinary reason as it improves physical and mental health, academic success, in addition to supporting the practice of staying active throughout life.
Students with disabilities are at a higher risk of experiencing discipline in their school (over-represented significantly at 14% of the population but nearly 60% of the disciplinary actions) that prevents their participation in recess with their peers, reduces attendance, are more likely to drop out, and reduced graduation rates. We cannot accept reforms that will negatively affect our students with disabilities who already urgently need our support.
Additionally, we joined our partners at Solutions Not Suspensions in signing their open letter which was previously sent to this committee as well.
The Minnesota Council on Disability believes in protecting students with disabilities from inappropriate or unfair disciplinary practices, especially those that exclude a student from developing healthy and active habits.
Please withdraw HF 514 and protect our students with disabilities.
David Dively, Executive Director