The Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD) wants to find the brightest and best communications professional Minnesota has to offer. Is that YOU? The purpose of this position is to serve as the statewide communications officer, strategist, and journalist for MCD. We believe that collaborative, partnered relationships are vital to building the strongest possible Minnesota for people with disabilities. Help us advance our mission by engaging the public, our partners, policy makers, businesses, and elected officials.
Take the Statewide Health Assessment State Strengths Survey
People with disabilities’ opinions need to be considered! The MN Department of Health (MDH) wants to hear from you! Please take a brief survey to help the Healthy Minnesota Partnership (HMP) identify Minnesota’s strengths that support people’s health for the 2023 Statewide Health Assessment! The Statewide Health Assessment (SHA) is a snapshot and story of health and well-being in Minnesota. The HMP will use the survey results in the 2023 Statewide Health Assessment, which MDH anticipates releasing by the end of 2023.
Metro Mobility Riders to Ride Free on Regular Route Transit
Starting July 1, 2023, through December 31, 2024, any Metro Mobility certified rider can ride regular route transit for free on some transit services. Read the article for more information.
Apply for Partners in Policymaking Class 41!
The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities is now accepting applications for the Partners in Policymaking Class 41 advocacy and leadership training program developed by the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities! You can find Class 41 dates, information, and marketing materials, as well as apply for the program on the Class 41 website. Partners in Policymaking® is a leadership training program for parents of young children with developmental disabilities and adults with disabilities. Created by the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities 35 years ago, the Partners program has been offered nationally and internationally. Through informative and interactive sessions, Partners teaches leadership skills and the process of developing positive partnerships with elected officials and other policymakers who make decisions about the services that you and your family use.
Who I Was Meant to Be All Along
MCD is honored to share “Who I Was Meant to Be All Along” by artist Bart S Bartholomew. Please visit our Pride Event page, MCD at Twin Cities Pride, to find out when Bart will be at our Pride Exhibit Booth – as well as other info about MCD at Pride.
Public Meeting: Access to Metro Transit for People Who Are DeafBlind, Deaf,Blind
Save the Date! A Public Meeting. Wednesday, June 28th, 2023, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Access to Metro Transit for People Who Are DeafBlind, Deaf, Blind and People with Other Disabilities. Come and learn how to protect yourself from bus drivers and find where you can get assistance in the event you are discriminated against in the future using public transit.