To celebrate NDEAM, MCD puts the spotlight on Minnesotans with disabilities seeking employment. Meet Dupree Edwards. Dupree is a local rapper and performing artist. Dupree talks about how essential job coaches are in finding competitive integrated employment and why people with disabilities deserve to move up the career ladder.
NDEAM Employment Stories Spotlight: Erin Thomson
To celebrate NDEAM, MCD is putting the spotlight on Minnesotans with disabilities seeking employment. Erin Thomson is the owner of RolledClay, a local, online jewelry and accessory shop. Erin talks about the ableism and discrimination she experienced while searching for work and how “showing the world what two disabled hands can do” has led her down a path to success.
Reasonable Accommodations: Your Right in the Workplace
Folks with disabilities have been adapting to a world not built for them for thousands of years. MCD is working to flip this view on its head: a reasonable accommodation adapts a portion of the world to the needs of people with disabilities. Providing employees with the tools and supports they need, regardless of ability level, is just good business. When employees succeed, businesses succeed!
Celebrate NDEAM 2021
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)! NDEAM acknowledges the many contributions that people with disabilities bring to the workplace. It’s time to HIRE, RETAIN, AND PROMOTE US! There can be no economic justice without including the disability community! Learn how you can get involved.
Music Within: Disability Inclusion in a Business World
MCD shares the following information from our partners at the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development: Please join us for our annual National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) presentation, Oct. 4, 10-11:30 am. This presentation for employers, Vocational Rehabilitation professionals, and disabled veteran staff will speak to the three stages of progress of the field employment of persons with disabilities over the last 30 years.
Join Heart of the Beast Mask and Puppet Theater’s FREE Care Work Workshops!
MCD encourages you to register for Heart of the Beast Mask and Puppet Theater’s free online Care Work Workshops! Each workshop will include a discussion of Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha’s book Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice. Aegor Ray, a queer and trans writer, multidisciplinary artist, and organizer will facilitate the events. Attendees can also participate in art activities, such as weaving, and stamp making, led by teaching artists Nailah Taman and Julie Boada.