The Minnesota Council on Disability strongly encourages you to prepare for an emergency by being informed and making a plan. Preparedness is just one phase of a larger Emergency Management Framework.
Masking to Ensure Safe Schools for Students with Disabilities
MCD’s letter to Minnesota school boards and superintendents explaining our support for mask mandates in schools.
Telecommuting During COVID-19: How Does It Shape the Future Workplace and Workforce? (Pt. 2)
Have you wondered about Minnesota workers’ experience of telecommuting before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic? The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is wondering the same, which is why MnDOT is partnering with the University of Minnesota Tourism Center on a research project to find out!
Telecommuting During COVID-19: How Does It Shape the Future Workplace and Workforce? (Pt. 1)
Have you wondered about Minnesota employers’ experience of telecommuting before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic? The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is wondering the same, which is why MnDOT is partnering with the University of Minnesota Tourism Center on a research project to find out!
Thanks to the ADA… Employment – ADA 31
Thanks to the ADA, people with disabilities–who possess a multitude of other abilities–have equal access to finding the independence and self-worth afforded by employment.
Apply Now to Serve on the Task Force on Shelter
Apply now to serve on the newly created Task Force on Shelter that was established to develop standards for the provision of shelter and examine the need for, and feasibility and cost of, establishing state oversight of shelter. Applications are being accepted now.