The Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD) met in a Special Full Council Meeting on Wednesday, August 12, 2020. During that meeting, the Council selected E. David Dively as the Council’s next Executive Director. David has accepted our offer and will start on September 16, 2020.
Thanks to the ADA… The Olmstead Decision – ADA 30
Thanks to the ADA, people with disabilities can live in the communities and homes they choose, with access to the care they need.
Thanks to the ADA… Service Animals – ADA 30
Thanks to the ADA, people with disabilities are ensured independence and mobility, through the use of service animals.
Finalists Selected for MCD Executive Director
The MCD Acting Chair announces two finalists for MCD Executive Director; Emory David Dively and Rachel Wobschall.
Thanks to the ADA… Disability Parking – ADA 30
If it wasn’t for disability parking a portion of the disability community would not be able to leave their house to buy food and participate in many other aspects of our society. It is not a convenience to have disability parking; it is a necessity and a civil right that was afforded to people with disabilities only 30 years ago.
MCD Supports Statewide Masking Policy – #MaskUpMN
The Minnesota Council on Disability applauds Governor Walz for responding to our call to action to #MaskUpMN. This statewide policy is something that the disability community has expressed a strong desire for in order to protect our health and safety. The Council asks all Minnesotans to continue to be compassionate and wear your mask in public indoor spaces to protect our disability community.