We urgently NEED YOUR HELP. Contact your legislators RIGHT NOW, asking them to come back to the Capitol this week to pass SF 4200 to make sure people with disabilities have access to critical services and stay healthy in their homes.
COVID-19 Message from MCD
MN Dept of Health has confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Minnesota. Members of the disability community are concerned about how it may affect them. MCD has been working closely with state leaders in preparation. Remember that MCD serves as a resource for you. Please get in touch with your questions and concerns.
Transportation Is Instrumental to Activities of Daily Living
Minnesotans who use the PCA program are not able to use their caregivers to drive them around their community. Senate bill SF2715 would permit people with disabilities to have their PCA’s drive them under the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. MCD Council Member and advocate Ted Stamp testified to the impact this bill would have on his life.
February 24, 2020 Legislative Update
In the second week of session, MCD is focused on meeting committee deadlines. Essentially, individual bills (excluding bonding proposals) must be heard in committee in either the House or Senate to be considered in the end of the session. First deadline for either chamber is March 20.
February 14, 2020 Legislative Update
The Minnesota Council on Disability kicked off the 2020 legislative session with bill hearings and meetings with legislators. The Council recently adopted its public policy agenda with its goals for the legislative session. The policy agenda focuses on equity, inclusion, and access for Minnesotans with disabilities.
Disability Advocacy Day at the Capitol
Join us as we March and Roll on the Capitol for Disability Advocacy Day 2020 on February 25. The Disability Community believes that all Minnesotans with disabilities must have equity and belonging in their community. Together, we must uphold disability rights as human rights.