As the Legislature builds Minnesota’s state budget for the next two years, MCD will create an overview of certain omnibus bills and how the proposals will affect Minnesotans with disabilities. This omnibus bill is for an act relating to operation of state government: appropriating money, changing provisions in government operations, and establishing commissions and task forces.
Summary of the House Jobs Omnibus Bill
As the Legislature builds the state budget for the next two years, MCD will create an overview of certain omnibus bills and how the proposals will affect Minnesotans with disabilities. This omnibus bill makes policy changes and fiscal appropriations for FY 2020 and 2021 for Jobs Appropriations, Family and Medical Benefits, Economic Development, Wage Theft, Labor and Industry, Commerce, Unemployment, Energy, and Broadband.
Summary of the Senate Transportation Omnibus Bill
As the Legislature builds the state budget for the next two years, MCD will create an overview of certain omnibus bills and how the proposals will affect Minnesotans with disabilities. This omnibus bill makes policy changes and fiscal appropriations for FY 2020 and 2021 for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, transportation related programs of the Metropolitan Council and the Department of Public Safety.
April 5, 2019 Legislative Update
As the Legislature rolls into packaging and hearing omnibus bills, the Council on Disability would like to share progress made in the legislative session thus far. Progress has been made on many issues, including: #MNParksForAll, Accessibility of Public Buildings, Accessibility of Assisted Living Facilities, PCA Driving Reimbursement, Voters with Disabilities, and more.
Autism Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month Guest Blog by Noah McCourt: If we’re going to have “Autism Awareness Month” than let’s do it right and actually take the time to be more than “aware” about autism and celebrate the value that neurodiversity adds to the human experience in ideology, in perspective, in relationships and in our communities.
March 29, 2019 Legislative Update
MCD provided testimony on 3 important issues this week. First, the Executive Director spoke regarding the Council’s activities and budget proposal. She also testified regarding the authorization of CAV in Minnesota and its impact for PWD. The Public Policy Director testified regarding an accessibility project on the Minnesota Capitol Complex.