The Minnesota Council on Disability strongly supports the advocacy of Lauren Thompson, homecare advocate and MCD Region 11 Council member, who is one of the over 40,000 homecare clients struggling statewide because of the homecare crisis.
Skyrocketing Insulin Prices are a Life and Death Issue
Quinn Nystrom testified on Minnesota House File 485 and 284. These bills address the skyrocketing costs of insulin and the need for transparency in insulin drug prices.
March 18, 2019 Legislative Update
This week at the Capitol was the first hearing of the Connected and Automated Vehicle bill establishing testing for CAV in Minnesota. Unfortunately, the bill was tabled while details are worked out. Elsewhere, Council members testified how shortages are negatively affecting their lives.
The Met Council Needs Your Voice!
The Met Council needs your voice! The Metropolitan Council seeks to appoint six advisors to the Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC). We look forward to having a good group of candidates to fill this important role in the metro area.
Testimony Regarding Autonomous Vehicle Testing
On Tuesday, March 12th, MCD Executive Director Joan Willshire testified in front of the Senate Transportation Finance and Policy Committee regarding SF 2173. This bill establishes provisions for autonomous vehicle testing in Minnesota.
Snow and Ice Can Pose Challenges for People with Disabilities
Even when cleared off the street, snow and ice can cause challenges for people with disabilities. Sidewalks, and especially curb ramps, must be cleared if everyone is to have access to their communities.