Governor Mark Dayton announced appointments to the Council on Disability. Each Council member is an expert in his or her field; and either has a disability, has a family member with a disability, or works with people with disabilities.
MCD Celebrates 19th Anniversary of the Olmstead Decision
On June 22, 1999, US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg delivered what has become known as the “Olmstead Decision”. The Supreme Court held that people with disabilities have a qualified right to live in the community of their choosing and that states must eliminate the unnecessary segregation of persons with disabilities.
Gov.’s Advisory Council on Connected and Automated Vehicles
On May 25, Governor Mark Dayton signed Executive Order 18-04 creating the Governor’s Advisory Council on Connected and Automated Vehicles. This executive order will study, assess, and prepare for the transformation and opportunities associated with the widespread adoption of automated and connected vehicles. People with disabilities must be at the table throughout this process in order to ensure that when these vehicles hit the road there is an affordable fully accessible option.
28th ADA Celebration
A coalition of disability organizations and state agencies, in partnership with the Science Museum of Minnesota, is organizing a celebration to recognize the 28th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
May 25, 2018 Legislative Update
The 2018 legislative session officially ended Monday, May 21. With the Governor’s veto of the omnibus supplemental budget bill and omnibus tax bill this summary just got a lot more complicated!
Request: Comment on Employment for PWD
Public Forum held by the State Rehabilitation Council and Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Meeting the employment service needs of individuals who are eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services but not receiving them because of the VR waiting list.