May 17th is the seventh annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), a day to think about how people with disabilities interact with the digital environment. Here are five checks you can do to quickly learn something about the accessibility of any web content.
May 16, 2018 Legislative Update
Accessible State Parks, the top priority for the Minnesota Council on Disability, has been in the news!
May 11, 2018 Legislative Update
On May 10, Joan Willshire, Executive Director of the MN Council on Disability, testified before the Minnesota Senate Capital Investment Committee about the need for funding to make state parks accessible.
Enjoyment of State Parks for All
Minnesotans love state parks. However, areas within those state parks are often not accessible to people with disabilities. Commissioners, the MCD Executive Director, and disability advocates all spoke at an event meant to highlight the accessibility of such parks.
May 7, 2018 Legislative Update
The Capitol is buzzing with activity as the May 21 final day of session approaches. The House released its bonding bill, which includes funding for accessibility improvements at state parks. The Senate has merged all of its supplemental omnibus budget bills into one bill. MCD continues to monitor changes as the two bodies work out differences in these two omnibus budget bills.
April 24, 2018 Legislative Update
It’s been busy at the Capitol as the Legislature worked long hours to meet the April 20 legislative deadline on all finance bills. MCD continues to follow the progress of bills to improve accessibility at state parks, to protect older adults, and to ensure the proper representation of service animals, among other bills.