The Olmstead Community Engagement Workgroup seeks new members from throughout the state. We will accept applications through April 9. This year, the workgroup will create strategies and activities to implement the Olmstead Community Engagement Plan, making sure that engagement practices are person-centered, accessible, inclusive, transparent and equitable for diverse communities.
Sexual Violence Prevention Month
April is Sexual Violence Prevention Month, and we encourage all of you to use your voice to speak up about prevention! The impact of sexual violence touches us all. We are each part of the movement to end sexual violence in Minnesota by changing the norms that support violence to norms of respect, gender equity, and justice.
Updates from the MN Council on Transporation Access
This update is an effort by the Minnesota Council on Transportation Access (MCOTA) to provide periodic updates about its initiatives to the public and to interested stakeholders.
Legislators not hearing about the PCA Crisis. We need your help!
State legislators tell us they are not hearing from constituents about the Personal Care Assistant (PCA) staff shortage. Please write and talk to them when they are home over break (March 30th through April 8th).
March 30, 2018 Legislative Update
It’s been a busy 10 days as policy committees worked long hours to meet deadlines, and MCD continues to work for legislation that will improve the lives of Minnesotans with disabilities. The Legislature is now officially on break and will return Monday, April 9.
Accessing Your Community Businesses: Understanding Your Rights and the ADA
Three of the state’s leading disability advocacy organizations are joining forces to conduct a hands-on workshop to equip people with disabilities, advocates, and family members with tools, guidance, and a greater understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The workshop will help participants develop effective ways to address building access and compliance issues.