The Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD) is proud to support goMARTI (Minnesota’s Autonomous Rural Transit Initiative). The first accessibility-focused, rural self-driving vehicle project in Minnesota. Inaccessible transportation is a barrier to for Minnesotans with disabilities. Automated vehicles could significantly improve their lives. Shuttles like those offered by goMARTI enable people with disabilities to live, work, and play independently.
Digital Access for Employers: More Than Public Facing Content
The Minnesota Council on Disability continues to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). When organizations ask if their digital content is accessible for everyone, they often think of public facing content. As an employer, public facing content is one part of a larger approach. We briefly consider how digital accessibility affects your ability to hire and retain employees with disabilities.
Get Ready to Vote in the 2022 Mid-Term Election
The 2022 mid-term election is November 8th. This year – thanks to redistricting – more offices and legislative seats are up for a vote. Did you know? People with disabilities make up the largest voting bloc in Minnesota. Learn what you can do to get ready to vote. Now is the time to make your voices heard.
NDEAM: Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace
In celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), the Minnesota Council on Disability shares five things you should know about reasonable accommodations in the workplace.
What Does Disability Pride Mean to You? Your Responses
Your responses are in! During the 12 days of the Minnesota State Fair, more than 350 people answered the question, “What does Disability Pride mean to you?” We created a word cloud to represent the responses. From the 350 responses, we list 136 keywords that give insight into what Disability Pride means to you.
GAAD 2022: Remote and Hybrid Meetings
Remote meetings enabled millions of people to continue working, learning, and connecting with friends and family when they couldn’t leave their homes. And that same enabling power can still benefit people with disabilities, providing opportunities for engagement.