During this time of continued social change and economic uncertainty, their civil rights must remain protected if Minnesotans with disabilities are to have full access to all aspects of life—including employment. Safeguarding the right to request reasonable accommodations in the workplace means safeguarding the right to current and future employment for people with disabilities. A message from MDHR.
Snow Removal Is a Life Line
With the first major snowstorm of the season, the Minnesota Council on Disability asks you to remove the snow from your sidewalks and curb ramps. Sidewalks and curb ramps are lifelines for many people with disabilities and for our senior community.
State Fair Wrap-Up
And … it’s a wrap! The Minnesota State Fair 2019 saw record attendance, and we had many visitors at the Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD) booth! Some of them are pictured in our blog post!
ADA: 29 Years Protecting Our Rights
Today we celebrate the 29th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which protects people with disabilities from discrimination, allowing them to fully participate in society. Accessibility Specialist Margot Imdieke Cross reflects on life before the ADA.
Barrier Removal and Building Codes
The ADA was passed July 26, 1990 with the intention of making the built environment more accessible over time. Minnesota’s Accessibility Code and Building Code are very specific as to how our built environment should be constructed for safety and accessibility.
Remembering Helen Keller
We celebrate the birthday of Helen Keller, a person with disabilities who became an educator, a leading humanitarian, and a co-founder of the ACLU.