An accessible society is beneficial to everyone, so let’s take the word “disability” out of the conversation for just a moment and think about these questions: Remember the last time you went to the grocery store and wheeled your cart out the door? What about rolling a suitcase through airport on one of those handy Continue Reading Thanks to the ADA… Accommodations – Reasonable, Public and Workplace
Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
The ADA is an authority that people with disabilities utilize to safeguard their civil rights in a number of situations. Title V covers insurance issues, explains the relationship between the ADA and other, previously existing laws and, perhaps most importantly, defines explicit restrictions against retaliation or coercion against anyone with a disability who exerts their Continue Reading Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act – TELECOMMUNICATIONS
Using a telephone is usually just a matter of course for those with no speech disabilities or hearing loss, but Title IV of the ADA addresses the rights of millions of Americans whose disabilities limit their access to communication by telephone. Title IV amends the Communications Act of 1934 and requires telecommunications companies to make Continue Reading Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act – TELECOMMUNICATIONS
Integration for people with disabilities at all levels of mainstream society is the aim of the ADA. The intent of Title III is to direct that people with disabilities deserve and must be given equal access to all public programs and services. Title III specifically addresses “places of public accommodation,” some of which are: restaurants, Continue Reading Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act – PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS & SERVICES OFFERED BY PRIVATE ENTITIES
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act – PUBLIC SERVICES & PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION
Title II calls for all branches and agencies of state and local governments, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and any commuter authorities, to take adequate steps to ensure that people with disabilities have the highest level of accessibility to the same services, programs and activities that people without disabilities enjoy. To deliver this objective of Continue Reading Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act – PUBLIC SERVICES & PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION
Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act – EMPLOYMENT
Every American has unique talents and capabilities, and Title I of the ADA obliges employers to remember this fact when people with disabilities come to the employment table. The ADA directs that people with disabilities be given equal consideration in terms of “job application procedures, hiring, advancement or discharge, compensation, job training and all other Continue Reading Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act – EMPLOYMENT