The Vaccine Connector is a tool that helps people in Minnesota find out when, where, and how to get their COVID-19 vaccine. When those who have signed up in the Connector become eligible for the vaccine, the tool will alert them of their eligibility, connect them to resources to schedule a vaccine appointment, and notify them if there are vaccine opportunities in their area.
MCD Invites You to Join Rare Disease Day Through the U of M
Many disabilities are conditions of rare diseases, and raising awareness of rare diseases is important to medical research, fundraising, policymaking, and creating a community. Please join the virtual Rare Disease Day, February 26, 2021, through the University of Minnesota to learn more about the rare disease community.
Apply Now! | Partners in Policymaking Class 39
Partners in Policymaking is now accepting applications for the Partners in Policymaking Class 39 advocacy and leadership training program developed by the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities.
COVID-19 Vaccine and Health Care Workers
Any health care business and any health care professional included in priority group 1a who has not yet been vaccinated and has not heard from their employer or local public health about future vaccination plans, should complete the Health Care Vaccination Connection Form.
MNCDHH Now Hiring Its Public Policy Director
MNCDHH is now hiring its Public Policy Director. MNCDHH Advocates for communication access and equal opportunity with the 20% of Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing. The application closes on February 8, 2021. This posing is 700 Connect eligible.
COVID-19 Vaccines and People with Disabilities
Recently, Kody Olson, MCD policy advisor, appeared on Minnesota Public Radio to discuss the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. We recognize COVID-19 has disproportionally affected people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It will take time for these people to be vaccinated, according to the rollout plan. Patience is essential.