Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD), in partnership with the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities, previewed the 2021 Legislative Session. MCD brought together the Disability Community, Elected Officials, Public Policy Decision Makers, and Disability Organizations.
Minnesota’s Road to Volunteer Drivers Virtual Forum Series
We invite you to get to know the work of our partners at MNCOTA, the Minnesota Council on Transportation Access. We recommend the “Minnesota’s Road to Volunteer Drivers Virtual Forum,” a series of public meetings designed to inform participants of issues important to transportation access in Minnesota.
Learn About the Civil Rights Investigation Into the Minneapolis Police Department
On November 18, 2020 the Minnesota Council on Disability will host the Minnesota Department of Human Rights for a community presentation on the civil rights investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department. Those who attend will learn why the Minnesota Department of Human Rights launched the investigation into the state’s largest police department.
Message from the Office of the Governor: Respond to the 2020 US Census before it concludes on October 15. An accurate count is needed for funding essential services and for congressional representation.
Joint Event: 30th Anniversary of the ADA and NDEAM
The ADA 30th Anniversary planning committee is pleased to announce a virtual event on October 26 at 1:00 p.m. celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the ADA and National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). This free, 90-minute, online event will feature informative presentations, artistic performances, and more.
Deadline to Be Counted in 2020 Census Extended
The 2020 Census is ending soon, and there are still tens of thousands of Minnesota households that have not been counted yet. It’s crucial that the census gets a complete and accurate count of everyone living in our state. There’s just a few more weeks to respond, and the results of the census will impact our communities for years to come.