The MCD Acting Chair announces two finalists for MCD Executive Director; Emory David Dively and Rachel Wobschall.
MCD Supports Statewide Masking Policy – #MaskUpMN
The Minnesota Council on Disability applauds Governor Walz for responding to our call to action to #MaskUpMN. This statewide policy is something that the disability community has expressed a strong desire for in order to protect our health and safety. The Council asks all Minnesotans to continue to be compassionate and wear your mask in public indoor spaces to protect our disability community.
Virtual Town Hall on Blue Ribbon Commission & People with Disabilities
Join the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities and the Minnesota Council on Disability for a virtual town hall forum about the Blue Ribbon Commission on Health & Human Services. The Blue Ribbon Commission was set up by the legislature to find ways to save $100 million in health care, services, and supports. They are also try to make systems easier and less complicated and promote health equity.
MCD Urges Minnesotans to #MaskUpMN
In an effort to keep Minnesotans safe from COVID-19, the Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD) urges you to #MaskUpMN. Our disability community is of particularly high risk for becoming infected and having serious health complications due to underlying medical conditions. We support a statewide mandatory mask policy to protect Minnesotans with disabilities.
July 13 to 17 is National Disability Voter Registration Week
Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon, in partnership with REV UP! Minnesota and a broad collation of disability organizations, will hold a Virtual Town Hall on voting options for persons with disabilities. Topics will include voter registration, early voting, polling place accessibility, ballot marking machines, curbside voting, and other issues.
It’s Time to Complete Your 2020 Census Questionnaire!
It’s time to complete your 2020 census questionnaire! It’s quick and easy. The 2020 Census questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete. It’s safe, secure, and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected.