Governor Tim Walz announced appointments to the Council on Disability. Each Council member is an expert in his or her field; and either has a disability, has a family member with a disability, or works with people with disabilities.
Free Training for Barrier Removal
In Minnesota over the last five years, there has been a surge in lawsuits around the state that target businesses for not meeting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD) has dedicated staff and resources to aid business owners in their efforts to meet ADA obligations.
May 30, 2019 Legislative Update
With the conclusion of the 2019 Minnesota legislative session, the Council on Disability expresses gratitude to all legislators and policy partners for their collaboration on issues identified in our 2019 Public Policy agenda. This is a summary of the policy issues that the Council worked on and the result our work.
May 24, 2019 Legislative Update
Having just passed a single budget, our legislative leaders have called a special session to pass a two year budget for the state. The Governor, House Speaker, and Senate President reached a budget agreement, which must be finalized in conference committees during the special session.
Summary of Health and Human Services Omnibus Bill
As the Legislature builds the state budget for the next two years, MCD will create an overview of certain omnibus bills and how the proposals will affect Minnesotans with disabilities. This omnibus bill makes policy changes and fiscal appropriations for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 for the Department of Human Services and Department of Health.
Summary of Omnibus State Government Appropriations Bill
As the Legislature builds Minnesota’s state budget for the next two years, MCD will create an overview of certain omnibus bills and how the proposals will affect Minnesotans with disabilities. This omnibus bill is for an act relating to operation of state government: appropriating money, changing provisions in government operations, and establishing commissions and task forces.