Minnesota Council on Disability staff continues to meet with legislators on committees related to our 2019 public policy agenda. One item that is gaining traction is Transportation Network Company (TNC) legislation. A transportation network company matches passengers with drivers via websites and mobile apps.
January 18, 2019 Legislative Update
Senator Draheim authored and jacketed a bill related to the accessibility of public buildings. This housekeeping bill serves to provide clarity to MN State Statute 326B.106. Current language in the building code conflicts with the requirements of Title II of the ADA and the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
January 11, 2019 Legislative Update
The Minnesota Council on Disability started off the first week of legislative session strong in advancing its 2019 Public Policy agenda, securing meetings with legislators from key committees in both the House and the Senate. Additionally, Senator Housely introduced the Eldercare and Vulnerable Adult Protection Act of 2019.
2019 Public Policy Agenda
The Minnesota Council on Disability’s 2019 Public Policy Agenda aims to advance four critical legislative issues: make our state parks inclusive and accessible to all Minnesotans; establishing accessible standards within new Assisted Living licensure; establishing CAV policy standards that include Level IV autonomy; increasing equitable, on-demand transportation services for Minnesotans with disabilities.
MCD Legislative Forum
Join us for a preview of disability issues in the 2019 legislative session. Catch up on public affairs issues as the Minnesota Council on Disability (MCD), state legislators, state agency officials, disability advocates and other disability organizations lay out their priorities for the coming session. The MCD Legislative Forum provides an opportunity for advocates and other disability stakeholders who develop, design, advocate for, and implement disability-related public policy to interact with lawmakers directly.
GET INVOLVED! MN Boards and Commissions Recruiting PWD!
The Minnesota Department of Human Rights, in partnership with the Office of Governor Dayton and the Olmstead Implementation Office, is offering three information sessions in the coming weeks on diverse and inclusive state boards and commissions. MCD encourages you to GET INVOLVED!