Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) could foster more independence and more choice for people to live, work, and play in their communities. To ensure that state policy addresses the opportunities and challenges created by CAVs, the Governor established the Governor’s Advisory Council for Connected and Automated Vehicles. GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK.
Mental Health Awareness Day at the Fair
Monday, August 27, 2018, the Minnesota State Fair hosts its first-ever Mental Health Awareness Day. Visitors are invited to explore mental health and wellness resources through inspiring stage performances, music, demonstrations, yoga, information, and much more. More than 30 awareness-raising activities, many of them geared for children and teens, will be offered.
Keep Moving Forward Guests at the Fair
MCD is proud to partner with Ampers radio station to produce Keep Moving Forward, an interview series featuring people with disabilities sharing perspectives, insights and experiences. Throughout the Fair, the Keep Moving Forward participants will be featured guests at our booth, greeting visitors and signing autographs. They look forward to meeting you!
Minnesota Parks For All
The Minnesota Council on Disability is pleased to announce our #MNParksForAll campaign at the Minnesota State Fair. We call on the Minnesota Legislature to fund an all-inclusive outdoor recreational experience for all Minnesotans, regardless of ability. Stop by our booth at the Fair to learn more about this pressing issue and to pick up gear to show your support!
State Fair Accessibility Guide
From electric mobility scooters, accessible parking, wheelchair accessible park & ride stops, assistive listening devices, sign language interpreters, curb cuts throughout the fairgrounds and much more, the Minnesota State Fair is committed to providing equal access and a pleasant experience for all guests.
State Makes Assistive Technology Resources More Easily Available for People with Disabilities
“People with disabilities have a new tool to help them find the technology that will them more independently live, work, and fully participate in their communities. ‘Minnesota’s Guide to Assistive Technology’ offers resources for people with disabilities, their families, employers, and others trying help them achieve their goals.”